At the Field of Dreams we recognise that we are a part of is multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi faith community. We believe that Parents, Carers, Children and Staff can work together to provide an environment where diversity can be valued and shared.

We recognise that bi-lingual and bi-dialect are positive assets.  A child’s name is a crucial part of their identity and it is important that we use the child’s correct name and pronunciation. We also ask to be made aware of familiar words in the child’s home language which help the smooth transition into Nursery.

We share and celebrate various cultural and religious celebrations and festivals appropriate to our children. Dietary restrictions and preferences will be respected and staff aim to be open and aware of diverse eating styles habits and customs.

The Field of Dreams is a place of sanctuary and to some of our families the only place they can look to for advice and support.

Please let us know if we can help you!