Monday 12th February 2018
Dear Parents / Carers,
We wish to inform you of some additions to our Health and Safety Procedures, which we will be practicing over the forthcoming weeks. In addition to our regular Fire Drill Evacuation and Lockdown Procedure, we are now introducing a serious event evacuation for example:- (bomb/ threat / chemical leak).
In the event of a serious threat, the Nursery is to be evacuated and all children taken off the site, to a ‘Safe Place’. Our ‘Safe Place’ is going to be St Sebastian’s Presbytery in Lilley Road, directly opposite the main school site.
Staff will escort Children safely and calmly and the route will be subject to a Risk Assessment.
If on your Contact Form you have stated ‘You do not wish your child to go on local outings’, this serious Evacuation Procedure will over-ride this.
If you would like any further information please contact either Miss Nina or Miss Jackie these procedures are only in place for your children’s safety, whose wellbeing is paramount to us at The Field of Dreams.
Thank you for all your support. Please see letter below.